Photo by Stephanie Yantz Photography, California

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sharing The Love

Found these lovely poems whilst randomly surfing  (believe it or not...) for chocolate cookies recipe. I don't even see the connection between the two, but am glad that I came upon it as now I can share them with thee.:) The words are simple yet so powerful and endearing.

A Dream Come True
When you asked me to marry you
I didn’t need to think it through
Yes has to be the answer, I knew
‘Coz to me you have given your heart to.
How to be a good wife I have little clue
But I know my love will guide me through
Will give me the strength to subdue
All challenges that I may bump into.
This is because I love you too
To have you as my husband is a dream come true

Standing here today my emotions are few
Only bliss and happiness as you said “I do”.
Photo taken by One Eye Click 

A Wedding Wish
When I popped the question, I had little clue
If you will marry me without further adieu
When you said yes, I finally blew
A sigh of relief as my life will consist of us two.
A wife is someone for a husband to
Protect, love, cherish and value
These and more are what is due
As I embarked on this new journey with you.
My wish is that I can come back to this same venue
To reaffirm my love after 10 or 20 years are through
To tell the world I still love you true
As much as I love you today when I said “I do”.

Taken from here

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